Mantine Review

Well hello there!
For this post I'm going to tell you how awesome Mantine is!
  • First it has great support for next.js with minor configuration changes.
  • Second, it looks awesome!
  • Third, the documentaton is AWESOME!
  • Now the downsides...
  • First, the component libraries documentation sucks, I was trying to make the awesome navbar you see above, and I got the code from there component site, but I didn't realize you had to provide arguments, so I made an issue request asking for help, and they basically said no. I was pretty annoyed because I hadn't been able to figure it out, the only way I managed to eventually figure it out was because of replits hacker plan where it can let you use ai to explain code, and then I eventually figured it out right after I did that. It was annoying because it would&aposve taken a short amount of time to say, "Hey! Just provide the arguments in the html when calling it!" It would've been that easy, and they didn't.
  • Second, some of their additional modules documentation is poor, I wanted to use rte which they provide, and thought it would be super fast and super easy, NOPE! didn't work at all. I couldn't figure out how to actually save the data, who knows, maybe I'm stupid, but I was annoyed by that.
That concludes this article! thanks for listening to me rant.